The Paradox of Self-Help
Gandhi looks at her and thinks for a bit and finally says, “Okay, but not today. Bring him back in two weeks.” She’s disappointed and takes her son home. Two weeks later, she makes the journey again and goes to Gandhi with her son.
The Past Doesn’t Really Matter
Adler, in denial of the Freud’s trauma argument, states the following: ‘No experience is in itself a cause of our success or failure. We do not suffer from the shock of our experiences—the so-called trauma—but instead, we make out of them whatever suits our purposes. We are not determined by our experiences, but the meaning we give them is self-determining.’
Why We Need Some Pain in Our Lives: 7 Quotes From David Goggins
Goggins is a retired Navy Seal, elite ultramarathon runner, triathlete and all-round endurance nut. In 2013, he broke the record for most pullups in 24 hours. In the military, he is the only man to complete SEAL training, US Army Ranger School, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training. He has been commonly referred to as ‘The Hardest Man Alive,’ and it’s hard to disagree.
The Way of the Spiritual Warrior
This inner journey is the heart and soul of the spiritual warrior. It is arduous and fraught with much pain, suffering and frustration. It requires much patience and perseverance. It is in this journey where we shed layer after layer of the false self we have embodied over the years.
7 Rules For Creativity From 7 Years of Writing
Deep work describes our ability to focus singularly on a task, without any distractions, in order to produce meaningful, quality work. It can apply to writing a book, crafting a new Chanel handbag, or understanding a complex programming concept.
Why the Getting Things Done System is a Great Way to Fight Procrastination
This is the heart and soul of the GTD system. This is where you empty the collection basket, update all the lists and get a big-picture view of the upcoming week and month. Life moves fast, and we often find ourselves lost in the day-to-day activities with not enough time to step back and reflect.
Do We Have Free Will Or Is it an Illusion?
However according to two psychologists; Kathleen Vohs and Jonathan Schooler, we become morally irresponsible if we believe that free will is an illusion. In 2002, they ran an experiment to see what would happen if people lost their belief in their capacity to choose. The results were conclusive, as when people stopped believing they had free will, they felt they were not to blame for their actions. They consequently acted less responsibly and gave in to their lower instincts.
How the ‘Stick Figure’ Diagram Helped Reprogram My Mind
The Stick figure diagram was created by Dr Thurman Fleet in the 1930s but was later used and taught by Bob Proctor. It’s simple and yet so effective. When we understand it, we immediately grasp the underlying foundation of self-help—We have the power to change our thoughts and that means we can change our behaviours.
How Affirmations Can Help Us Achieve Our Dreams
For me, Affirmations (and the Law of Attraction) work in a more pragmatic way. Like attracts like. If I’m passionate about something, then my energy will allow me to take action and soon everyone and everything would see my passion, then maybe, just maybe the universe will listen to me.
Why We Must Feel Insignificant Before We Become Significant
The ego is the total of all our fears, worries and negative thoughts and provides the incessant inner voice that doubts us and holds us back from whatever opportunity of bewilderment, intuition and awe we might have come our way.
Can We Change Who We Truly Are?
Our minds have two parts; the conscious mind, which is the creative one and the one we have little access to, which is completely controlled by the other part–the sub-conscious mind. This sub-conscious mind is like a recording machine which takes in all the information from our conditioning, the environment, and our behaviour, and it then adds it all up to direct our final actions.
Let go of Perfection and the Overwhelm Disappears
This idea of perfection is a myth, and the simple truth is that we are meant to be whole and not perfect. This includes both the joy of successes and the pain of failures. And the only way we learn and grow is through both differing experiences.
Why the Purpose of Travel is Discomfort and not Comfort
I just came back from a short trip to Prague and London. This was not a business trip, but a holiday I’d planned a year ago with childhood friends. Much of it was spent in luxurious hotels and good restaurants.
How Michel de Montaigne Inspired me to Continue my Self-Examination
I’ve always been curious about myself. Though I didn’t keep a diary as an 11-year-old arriving to a new school in a new country, I did reflect heavily on myself. After my school years, I got distracted with life and my environment and stopped my self-examination, instead getting lost with the concept of ‘fitting in’ and the flow of life.
“Bird by Bird”
That sense of overwhelm has also been heightened as I’ve started writing my memoir. Work needs to be done. Deadlines need to be met. As if that weren’t enough, I’m also digging deep into my blog, writing niche and audience with guidance from a specialist coach so as to make my writing reach further and deeper.
A Father’s Duty is to Teach his Child to be a Warrior
We are all interconnected. We are all inter-dependent as is the past, present and future. However, the sad truth is that most of us continue our lives as if there is no problem. In fact, we run away as fast as we can from facing our struggles, hoping they disappear on their own. We refuse to believe these issues will linger on and affect our children.
Kierkegaard on the Need to Simplify
Often, we invite alternatives in our life not because we want the best option, but only that we’re bored with what we are doing. We are bored, not due to lack of choices but rather because we are not content with ourselves. We feel that we are missing out on something. We compare what we are doing with what others are doing. We compare what we have with what others have. We presume it would give us more joy to do the things that they are doing or have the things that they have.
How Neil Gaiman’s Passion for Writing influenced Mine
I’m listening to Tim Ferris’s podcast where Neil Gaiman, one of the best fiction writers alive is talking. His voice is hypnotic. It penetrates straight to the emotional mind. It’s not only because of his majestic accent but also the passion he shows when describing writing.
Thoughts: Life, Love, Legacy
Nietzsche through his many illnesses and madness still found the focus and thinking that would go on to inspire generations of thinkers, including Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Herman Hesse, long after his death.
I don’t Like Mondays
I don’t like Mondays. It’s as if my soul leaves my body on Sunday night and only returns on Tuesday morning. Maybe it’s a feeling that I have inherited from my 11-year-old self during my school years, where dread and anxiety took control of me most Monday mornings. Or perhaps it’s the fact that I haven’t been enjoying my work for a long while now and Monday is the first day of non-enjoyment.