I don’t Like Mondays

I don’t like Mondays. It’s as if my soul leaves my body on Sunday night and only returns on Tuesday morning. Maybe it’s a feeling that I have inherited from my 11-year-old self during my school years, where dread and anxiety took control of me most Monday mornings. Or perhaps it’s the fact that I haven’t been enjoying my work for a long while now and Monday is the first day of non-enjoyment.

For whatever reason, I know that Monday blues are real. However, I’ve learned that not all of them will turn out to be as bad as last Monday. Also, over the years, I’ve learned to manage my Mondays well. I start with a rigorous gym session to fill my system with endorphins. I try not to have any meetings, and finally I try to get at least one difficult task done as soon as I’m in the office. This immediately connects me to the work, and I feel engaged.

And just like that Tuesday arrives, as does my soul.


Thoughts: Life, Love, Legacy


11 Quotes By Kahlil Gibran That Are Indelibly Stamped In My Heart.