Mo Issa Mo Issa

The 5 People I Want To Spend The Most Time With

Quantum physics says we are made up of energy, and when we collide with another body of energy that is in sync then the result is constructive butwhen an we collide with another that is not in sync then the opposite happens, and results are usually destructive.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

The 4 Freedoms That Have Set Me Free

I entered the Tattoo shop without knowing exactly why, and I left with a huge tattoo on my right shoulder. It took the tattooist only a few minutes toextricate out of me, the hidden message that lay in my unconscious mind.

And after three hours of heavy metal music bombarding my being, and the tattooist working his magic, I came out with an image of a winged angelholding a banner that said: “Born to be free.”

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

5 Reasons To Think Hard Before Setting Goals

I’m getting tired of the effect of goals and precisely how my fixation on their outcomes is affecting my life. I’ve found myself getting overwhelmed by my elaborate goal-setting plans that often lead me to abandon the goal altogether.

I’ve lived most of my life on the principle that we as humans are goal-setting machines, and I went about my life by setting goals, achieving them and then setting new ones.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

3 Big Ways That Rising Early Transformed My Life

I learnt that to have peace throughout the day; I needed to start with solitude and connection to my soul. I needed to ignore the noise that constantly surrounds me and listen to the songs and lullabies that my soul whispers in my ears.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

3 Ways To Let Go of Perfection

Do I think I’m Hemingway’s prodigal son or Steinbeck’s long lost disciple? No, the reality is that I’m using perfectionism as a way to hide behind my fears and insecurities. Since I was thirteen, I’ve had to fend for myself and put up shields to protect myself from failing. To fail was not only a sin but very often it lead to me feeling ashamed.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

5 Ways To Overcome Overwhelm And Use It as Our Emotional Indicator

Overwhelm leads to frustration, and that leads to stress, which in turn leads to health problems (headaches, muscle aches, high blood pressure, heart disease). It also starts us towards destructive behavior (overeating, drugs, etc.), which can cause full-blown depression.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

9 Ways To Fight Smartphone And Internet Addiction

However, my point is to slow down my life and try to reduce the noise around me. I want to get closer to my higher self and not feel disempowered by the burden of too much information coming into my mind while at the same time using technology to take me forward.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

7 Ways Our Smartphones Are Ruining Our Lives

Multitasking is now a fundamental part of our life that we are comfortable texting while we’re walking across the street, catch up on email while stopping at traffic lights. And worst of all we check on our virtual friends using Facebook, Twitter or Snapchat while having a face-to-face lunch with our real friends.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

10 Simple Rules to Eating Well For The Rest Of Your Life

I’m not an expert on food; I don’t even know how you would address the so-called experts in the field of Nutrition. However, after so many years of listening to my body, reading countless books and going on many new diet fads. I feel I have some knowing how to eat and what goes into my mouth.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

Wayne Dyer ’ s Quote

Wayne Dyer was speaking at an “I Can Do It” Conference when he brought out an orange and asked a bright twelve-year-old, what was inside the orange. The boy insisted it could only be orange juice and not apple or grapefruit juice. When pushed to explain why, the boy said: “Well, it’s an orange, and that’s what’s inside.”

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

Six Ways to Help Inspire Change in People

Change is a word that has been overburdened with so many expectations that many of us just switch off when the word change is mentioned. I understand that some people are hungry for change and would readily accept motivation and inspiration more than others.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

The 5 Fundamentals of Lasting Happiness

In his influential 2011 book, Flourish, Seligman developed the PERMA model. In it, he proposes five essential elements that must be present in our lives for us to experience lasting well-being or happiness.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

The Power of Simplifying Your Life

Every decision we make takes so much energy out of us, no matter how small that decision is. As days, months and years pass, all these small decisions add up and somehow drain our energy resources-lessening the power within us.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

6 ways that Meditation has transformed my life

Meditation has given me an inner peace that acts as a hidden support, which until now, I didn’t appreciate. That’s probably because meditation’s effectiveness is hard to measure as its results are not immediate and not very apparent like something you see with diets or exercise.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

The Power of Solitude

Spending time alone doesn’t solve all your problems, but at least it puts you on the track to be aware of your being. Solitude gives you the calmness to be able to face your problems with a clear head.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

10 Ways to Awaken your Aliveness

As I grow older and approach the afternoon of my life, I see things much more clearly. I’m finally getting it that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. I truly understand the meaning of spirituality and the need for it in our lives.

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

Keep Moving and Never Remain Stagnant

Sometimes we can begin an action without a plan and keep moving forward, adjusting towards the goal. The actual doing now becomes the teacher and the guide. There is no need to set ourselves up, get motivated and as Nike always tell us to go out and  “Just Do it.”

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Mo Issa Mo Issa

7 ways to create lasting habits in our lives.

I sat reflecting on my life, and all I could think of was that I had become the total sum of my good habits and, unfortunately, my bad ones too.

We create most of our habits unconsciously and then watch them take over the direction of our lives. And we wonder why we don’t stick to a regular writing practice or follow the new diet to lose those extra few pounds.

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