Spiritual Manifesto

In our purest form, in the depths of our souls :

We know that we must tend toward what is right, blessed, sweet and noble in life.

We hunger and thirst for what makes our hearts purr.

We do not wish to fill our souls with bitterness.

We look on love as a goal and not as a means in itself to achieve something else.

We regard submission as elevation and reverence as a form of reward.

We see longing as a gift and a bounty in itself.

We don’t pray so that God spares us torment. We know it’s part of our lives, as we can’t do without that which infuses the soul with a sacred kiss. And we can’t do without that which brings us closer to our greater selves and reveals to us the power, mystery and wonder we have within us.

We see life and happiness in its purest manifestations. In the eyes of a baby smiling, we find all the hope and aspiration of humanity. And in a simple flower we see the glory and beauty of spring.

We don’t use what is near to reach what lies far ahead, and we don’t demand from God: “give us what we want or gives us nothing.”

We realize that what is right, blessed and permanent in life does not follow our wishes, but moves according to its own will. It does not stop in one place; it marches on with all its beauty like a procession encapsulating and bewildering everyone in its path.

We are ready to be part of life and to be used as one of its many translucent elements. What motive has a Robin when singing but to sing? What motive has the river got but to flow? What motive has a Royal Oak tree but to stand tall and majestic?

We know we are part of a myriad of souls who each have their own purpose and also a collective one in serving each other. We know that a lonely soul has no purpose at all.

We know that God has instilled a part of him in us, and all we need to do is to remove all the obstacles that stand in the way of us reaching that sacrosanct part.


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